7:45-8:05 a.m. | Drop Off Parents pull up to the EC entrance, and let a teacher assist you with dropping off your child. |
7:45-8:20 a.m. | Morning Routine We begin each morning with the same routine, starting with the children washing their hands, listening to the morning message and signing in, then it’s off to play ‘til morning meeting. We realize the importance of consistency and structure in our children’s lives. |
8:25 a.m. | Morning Meeting We begin each day building relationships with a greeting and a responsive classroom meeting. This is a great opportunity to incorporate the responsive classroom curriculum into our day. Responsive classroom and MVS both focus on creating a positive community where our children’s social and emotional development is at the forefront. |
8:35-10:45 a.m. | Mini Lessons, Open Exploration, and Outside Play Children are divided into four groups with a lead teacher and teacher assistant in each group. Numerous philosophies such as the Reggio Method, Waldorf, and Montessori are incorporated into our center time. While all the children explore the same subject matter, each teaching team brings their own creativity into the learning and exploration. Children also eat a nutritious snack during this time. Children need numerous opportunities daily to stretch their muscles, roll down the hill, explore the climbing wall, or build a volcano in the sandbox. Children will spend time outdoors each morning if it is above 20 degrees. We follow the lower school schedule and the six day rotation. |
10:40-11:20 a.m. | Co-curriculars Our co-curricular schedule follows a six day “color rotation” based on the colors of the rainbow. Co-curriculars include Spanish, Mandarin, physical education, performing arts, and library. |
11:30 a.m. | Half-day Dismissal Children who are signed up for our half day school are picked up at this time. Parents will pull up to the EC gate and teachers will walk children to their car.For those who stay for the full day, students either continue playing outside or, depending upon the energy level of the group that day, they may come inside to engage in a singing or movement activity, participate in story time, or sit down with a puzzle. |
11:50 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Lunch Children come inside, wash hands, and sit down for lunch. They eat lunch they brought from home or the meal that was ordered from the school lunchroom. Teachers sit and eat with the children. This is a great time for conversation and independence. |
12:45-2:10 p.m. | Rest and Afternoon Stations In accordance with the Ohio Department of Education, all first year children (3-4 year olds) are provided a time to rest after lunch. Our second year students (4- 5 year olds) also rest at the beginning of the year as they adjust back to school. Yoga mats and flannel blankets are used by the children for rest time.In the fall, the students who will be going to kindergarten the following year will participate in our pre-kindergarten activities. All activities are geared towards enhancing and solidifying our children’s social, emotional, fine motor, gross motor, and cognitive development. We want the whole child to be ready for kindergarten. |
2:10-2:40 p.m. | Back Outside to End Our Day Another great time to ride a bike or build with the blocks. If the weather is uncooperative, the teachers will provide engaging activities such as art projects, dancing, puzzles, reading, etc. for the children. |
2:45-3:05 p.m. | Dismissal Students can picked up between 2:45pm – 3:05pm. Parents will pull up to the EC gate and teachers will walk children out to their car. After 3:05pm, all children will go to Kid’s Club (Extended Day). |
3:05 p.m. | Kids Club After school care for children limited to reservations only. |
7:45-8:05 a.m. | Drop Off Parents pull up to the EC entrance, and let a teacher assist you with dropping off your child. |
7:45-8:20 a.m. | Morning Routine We begin each morning with the same routine, starting with the children washing their hands, listening to the morning message and signing in, then it’s off to play ‘til morning meeting. We realize the importance of consistency and structure in our children’s lives. |
8:25 a.m. | Morning Meeting We begin each day building relationships with a greeting and a responsive classroom meeting. This is a great opportunity to incorporate the responsive classroom curriculum into our day. Responsive classroom and MVS both focus on creating a positive community where our children’s social and emotional development is at the forefront. |
8:35-10:45 a.m. | Mini Lessons, Open Exploration, and Outside Play Children are divided into four groups with a lead teacher and teacher assistant in each group. Numerous philosophies such as the Reggio Method, Waldorf, and Montessori are incorporated into our center time. While all the children explore the same subject matter, each teaching team brings their own creativity into the learning and exploration. Children also eat a nutritious snack during this time. Children need numerous opportunities daily to stretch their muscles, roll down the hill, explore the climbing wall, or build a volcano in the sandbox. Children will spend time outdoors each morning if it is above 20 degrees. We follow the lower school schedule and the six day rotation. |
10:40-11:20 a.m. | Co-curriculars Our co-curricular schedule follows a six day “color rotation” based on the colors of the rainbow. Co-curriculars include Spanish, Mandarin, physical education, performing arts, and library. |
11:30 a.m. | Half-day Dismissal Children who are signed up for our half day school are picked up at this time. Parents will pull up to the EC gate and teachers will walk children to their car.For those who stay for the full day, students either continue playing outside or, depending upon the energy level of the group that day, they may come inside to engage in a singing or movement activity, participate in story time, or sit down with a puzzle. |
7:45-8:05 a.m. | Drop Off Parents pull up to the EC entrance, and let a teacher assist you with dropping off your child. |
7:45-8:20 a.m. | Morning Routine We begin each morning with the same routine, starting with the children washing their hands, listening to the morning message and signing in, then it’s off to play ‘til morning meeting. We realize the importance of consistency and structure in our children’s lives. |
8:25 a.m. | Morning Meeting We begin each day building relationships with a greeting and a responsive classroom meeting. This is a great opportunity to incorporate the responsive classroom curriculum into our day. Responsive classroom and MVS both focus on creating a positive community where our children’s social and emotional development is at the forefront. |
8:35-10:45 a.m. | Mini Lessons, Open Exploration, and Outside Play Children are divided into four groups with a lead teacher and teacher assistant in each group. Numerous philosophies such as the Reggio Method, Waldorf, and Montessori are incorporated into our center time. While all the children explore the same subject matter, each teaching team brings their own creativity into the learning and exploration. Children also eat a nutritious snack during this time. Children need numerous opportunities daily to stretch their muscles, roll down the hill, explore the climbing wall, or build a volcano in the sandbox. Children will spend time outdoors each morning if it is above 20 degrees. We follow the lower school schedule and the six day rotation. |
10:40-11:20 a.m. | Co-curriculars Our co-curricular schedule follows a six day “color rotation” based on the colors of the rainbow. Co-curriculars include Spanish, Mandarin, physical education, performing arts, and library. |
11:50 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Lunch Children come inside, wash hands, and sit down for lunch. They eat lunch they brought from home or the meal that was ordered from the school lunchroom. Teachers sit and eat with the children. This is a great time for conversation and independence. |
12:45-2:10 p.m. | Rest and Afternoon Stations In accordance with the Ohio Department of Education, all first year children (3-4 year olds) are provided a time to rest after lunch. Our second year students (4- 5 year olds) also rest at the beginning of the year as they adjust back to school. Yoga mats and flannel blankets are used by the children for rest time.In the fall, the students who will be going to kindergarten the following year will participate in our pre-kindergarten activities. All activities are geared towards enhancing and solidifying our children’s social, emotional, fine motor, gross motor, and cognitive development. We want the whole child to be ready for kindergarten. |
2:10-2:40 p.m. | Back Outside to End Our Day Another great time to ride a bike or build with the blocks. If the weather is uncooperative, the teachers will provide engaging activities such as art projects, dancing, puzzles, reading, etc. for the children. |
2:45-3:05 p.m. | Dismissal Students can picked up between 2:45pm – 3:05pm. Parents will pull up to the EC gate and teachers will walk children out to their car. After 3:05pm, all children will go to Kid’s Club (Extended Day). |
3:05 p.m. | Kids Club After school care for children limited to reservations only. |