Flexible Tuition

Flexible Tuition FAQ

List of 10 frequently asked questions.

  • How do I apply for the Flexible Tuition Program?

    Step 1 - Application Form

    Use this link to submit your financial application. The application includes a $60 processing fee charged by Clarity. Feel free to reference this application guide and this quick reference guide. If you need support while completing the application, you may also click the “Help” button at the bottom of the Clarity screen, email support@clarityapp.com, or call 206-210-3752.

    Step 2 - Supporting Documents

    The application process in Clarity will guide you to the forms you need to upload in support of your application. Those forms will vary depending on your situation, including whether you received a W-2 and whether you have any businesses. Just return to your dashboard in Clarity after you submit your application to see the documents you need to upload.

    Clarity will obtain your prior year tax document transcripts (currently 2023 tax year) directly from the IRS. If that IRS request fails for any reason, families will need to manually upload those documents. It typically takes at least a week to hear back from the IRS. Be sure to check your application status to make sure the IRS verification was successful and to manually upload any needed documents in a timely manner.

    Families upload their 2024 W-2s starting in January 2025. Additional documents are required for families with businesses.

    The financial application will not be considered until all supporting documents have been received and verified by Clarity. Apply early to avoid delays in receiving your decision. The IRS request typically takes a week or more for a response, and then families may have to manually upload, and then Clarity needs to verify the documents and run calculations. Then the financial committee will review the application.
  • Am I done once I submit the online form?

    Be sure to complete both steps of the application process – online application form plus supporting documents. Applications will not be considered until both steps have been completed. The application platform will prompt you to upload specific additional documents based on your financial situation as described in your application form.

    Be sure to check back to make sure your application is complete. The IRS verification typically takes at least a week and if it fails, you will be required to manually upload those documents before your application will be considered complete and ready for review.
  • Whom do I include in my financial application?

    Applications must include all members of the household, adults and children. It is in your best interest not to leave anyone out.
  • I don't live with my child's other parent. Do I include them in my application?

    In a divorced or separated family, a separate application must be submitted for each parent household. You’ll find a question in the application form about the existence of another parent household related to the student - just answer yes and put in their email address and they’ll receive an invitation to complete their application. It’s a good idea to reach out to the other parent directly as well and share the information about how to apply.
  • I applied last year. Do I have to apply again this year?

    The financial application must be completed in a timely manner prior to each year of attendance for a student to be eligible for flexible tuition that year. Returning families submit the application form by January 15 and ensure all supporting documents are uploaded by February 1.
  • When do I apply?

    Returning families submit the application form by January 15 each year prior to the year for which flexible tuition is sought. All supporting documentation, such as W-2s, must be uploaded by February 1 to complete the application process. Apply early to help ensure a decision is received before enrollment deposits are due.

    Complete financial applications for prospective families are due either by February 1 or by the time the admissions file is complete if that’s later than February 1. Admissions decisions are not contingent on financial need, but if you are interested in flexible tuition, please submit the financial application shortly after the admissions application process is started.

    Apply early to ensure timely consideration. Obtaining and verifying supporting documents typically takes more than a week.
  • What if I miss the deadline?

    Returning families should make every effort to submit the application form by January 15 and complete the financial application process before February 1. Applications for returning students that are not ready for review on February 1 will not likely be considered until after the enrollment deposit deadline. Applications for returning students completed after May 1 will not be considered. 

    New student financial applications must be completed, including application form and document verification, before the admissions application process is complete, if later than February 1, and late applications may not be considered. Even if a late application is considered, a financial decision will not likely be received before the enrollment deadline.
  • Can I edit my application after I've submitted it?

    Financial applications can be edited after initial submission, but you may need to request to make updates depending on timing. Once the financial committee has started reviewing an application, we “lock” it so that changes can’t be made without our knowledge. Look for a lock symbol in Clarity to see if your application is locked for editing. If you make a change to an application that is locked, the change is not visible to our committee. We need to unlock the application before you make changes for them to affect what we see. So you are welcome to update the application freely until the committee has reviewed it, and after that time just reach out to Anne Dettmer about any changes you’d like to make: anne.dettmer@miamivalleyschool.org
  • How soon after I complete my financial application can I expect a decision?

    Applications are reviewed by the financial committee in the order in which they are received and marked as complete by Clarity. Applications are complete once the form is submitted, the IRS verification is complete, and any additional documents (like most recent W-2s) are uploaded by the applicant. If the IRS verification fails, families will need to manually upload those documents to complete their applications. Financial decisions are sent beginning in early February.

    Returning families with complete applications (form and document upload and verification) before February 1 should receive their financial decisions before enrollment deposits are due at the end of February. Returning families whose applications are not complete and ready for review until February 1 or later may not receive their decisions until after the enrollment deposit deadline.

    New families who apply on time, well before the admissions decision is issued, receive their financial decisions shortly after their student is accepted and before enrollment is due.
  • I have questions not addressed here.

    If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to Anne Dettmer, Director of Enrollment Management, at anne.dettmer@miamivalleyschool.org. 

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Anne Dettmer

    Anne Dettmer 

    Director of Enrollment Management
  • Photo of Caitlin Lewis

    Caitlin Lewis 

    Associate Director of Enrollment
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